South Garden

The South Garden was originally created in 1707 as a pleasure garden designed by Nette. The terraced park included a broderie parterre, an orangery parterre and a boscage zone. But in 1730, Duke Eberhard Ludwig decided to adapt the garden based on plans by Claasen to bring it into line with new fashions and the changed situation in front of the new corps de logis (main block of the palace). From 1749, the South Garden was refashioned again to meet the wishes of the reigning Duke Carl Eugen. After the duke turned his attention to other projects, such as the palaces of Solitude and Hohenheim, to which he had the orangery moved in 1765, the garden became ever more of a wilderness. In 1798, Duke Friedrich laid out the South Garden in a neoclassical style. The main structural elements were largely kept through to the 1950s: the palace garden lake, canal, four large lawns surrounded by flower borders and pot plants with flower-covered hillocks and Isopi vases. The South Garden was also used to grow potatoes for a time.

For the anniversary show in 1954, Albert Schöchle refashioned the South Garden in a neo-baroque style, which it still has more or less today.

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