Spring awakening
22.03. - 01.05.2024

The fresh spring air gently awakens the Blühende Barock Ludwigsburg from its winter slumber. During the Spring Awakening from 22 March to 1 May 2024, the palace gardens are transformed into a world of blooming wonders with the first warm rays of sunshine.

It is a liberating feeling of happiness to stand amidst fragrant flowerbeds, surrounded by lush green meadows and in front of a romantic baroque palace. Every flower, every tree and every detail in the Ludwigsburg Baroque in Bloom has been carefully and devotedly
and cultivated with care and dedication to create a unique atmosphere that revitalises all the senses.

Events for the whole family express this springtime joy: international customs such as the Japanese cherry blossom festival or the French lemon festival are modelled on them.

Colourful exhibitions accentuate the beauty of nature with artistic flower arrangements. It becomes particularly colourful at Easter when the unique Easter egg alley runs through the garden again.

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